Want a place to grow food? Just do it. Start small, start simple, and start now! Fall is here, and its a great time to grow things like lettuces that don't mind to cooler temps. Grab a bag of dirt and some seeds (mesclun mix is a good choice, as is arugula, mustard greens or black seeded simpson lettuce). In a couple of weeks, you'll have your own organic microgreens and baby greens.
Find a sunny area, plop down a bag of garden soil. Take a kitchen fork and stab the bag multiple times for drainage holes, and place it flipped over on the ground. Cut a rectangle out of the top of the bag leaving enough margin to hold in the dirt all around the sides. And viola! You have a garden bed ready for seeds! Sprinkle seeds on top, keep moist with a spray bottle and enjoy your greens. Don't let them dry out. I find it's best to place them somewhere I frequently walk by so I don't forget about them.
I place an over-turned clear storage container over the bag when it gets really chilly - below 40 - to make a mini greenhouse. Just remember to prop up the cover for air circulation on warmer days.
Happy growing!
