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Dunlap Farm Goats

Our goats are treated like part of the family, because they are!  While we could cut costs and corners, excellent stewardship is key to our core values. 


We tend to our goats daily, feed high quality vitamins and minerals, rotate pastures, and strive to continue learning best holistic goat-keeping practices. 


A happy herd makes for better milk.

Our Boys

These are our handsome Nubian bucks.  A buck is an unaltered male, or as I explain to curious little people "they want to be daddies."

It is often said that a herd depends on its bucks for excellent lineage, and it is true as one buck will spread his genetics, for the good or bad, among an entire harem of ladies.

Carl and Big Red are registered purebred Nubian bucks that come from excellent lines.  They were cuties as little bottle bucklings (above left) but have flourished into big boys that do their jobs quite well.

See Big Red's AGDA lineage here and, Carl's AGDA information can be seen here.

Check out the elegant Roman noses and long, floppy ears that are classic characteristics of the Nubian breed.

The Wethers




Wethers are boy goats that have been "neutured" in dog terms.  These boys have little interest in anything other than eating and getting back scratches, which makes them the best candidates for pet goats.  Wethers also lack that infamous and odiferous billy goat smell.

Since goats are herd animals, you can't have just one.  Wethers are great choices for companion goats and brush control.  Our goats LOVE to nibble down poison ivy!

Butterfly and Calvin are both mini Lamanchas, goats that are bred to have tee-tiny ears as you can well see!  Thomas is a Nigerian Dwarf, and the friendliest little guy on the farm.  His mom happens to be one of my favorite milkers.

Our Ladies

We hand milk our goats once a day and allow the kids to stay with their mothers.  This always results in a healthier and happier herd.  We drink the milk and make cheese.  I don't pasteurize our milk, so it contains all the beneficial probiotics that it was meant to.  Read more about if raw milk is right for you here.


I will add additional information and pics about our does and doelings here, when I'm not out busy trimming hooves and throwing hay!  

This year we bred 4 does, the Registered Nubians (pictured as doelings below) and our Boer goat Annabell.  

Occasionally we have a few goats for sale.  Please feel free to message me on fb or email if you are interested in any of our goats.

See more about our farm on our Facebook page.

Welcome to the Farm!

Annabell's first kid - a buckling born 2/21/24.  Big Red is the sire.
Lucy's twins, a boy and a girl, born 2/21/2024.  Carl is the sire.
Athena's buckling born 2/15/24.  Big Red is the sire.

Farm Chicks Don't Spam - enter your email to hear about my latest on the farm blog.  I don't share your email with anyone.  Happy Growing!

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