Finding salad dressing that doesn’t include preservatives or some form of sugar or artificial sweeter isn’t easy. This is my go-to salad dressing recipe that I discovered a long time ago online, and unfortunately don’t have the source, so I can’t take credit for it. (If anyone can claim it let me know, and I’ll be sure to give you a shout out!)
1 c. oil
1/2 c. rice vinegar
1/2 c. Soy sauce or Bragg’s liquid aminos
4 tsp. Hot sauce
2-3 T freshly grated ginger
4 tsp. minced garlic
Put everything in a quart jar, give it a shake, and enjoy! I keep mine in the fridge, but know that if you use EVOO it will coagulate in there so just remember to set it out a while before using it. Using canola oil will avoid that problem.
Not only will you have a delicious salad dressing and avoid dousing your healthy greens in sugar, but you can feel great about these additional benefits of ginger in your diet:
✅ Antinflammatory properties
✅ Blood sugar regulation
✅ May help lower cholesterol and inhibit bacterial growth